Stellungnahme zum Thema „Tierversuche“ von Colgate-Palmolive
(betrifft: Colgate, Palmolive, Dentagard, Baby Magic Mennen, Cibaca, Irish Spring, Skin Bracer, Soft Soap, Speed Stick, Afta, Ajax, Softlan, DanKlorix; sowie die GABA-Marken Meridol, Aronal, Elmex)
Colgate-Palmolive ist ein internationaler Konzern, der auch in China vertreten ist und überwiegend Hygiene-, Haushalts- und Zahnpflege-Produkte vertreibt. Seit 2004 gehört die GABA-Gruppe mit seinen Marken Meridol, Aronal und Elmex zu Colgate-Palmolive. Auf den Webseiten des Konzerns finden sich Stellungsnahmen bezüglich Tierversuchen, die ich nachfolgend zitieren möchte. Dickgedrucktes wurde von mir hervorgehoben.
Recognizing Consumer Choices
One of the most important ways we demonstrate caring for our consumers is by providing them with information to help them choose the right products to meet their specific needs. For our vegetarian consumers, Colgate offers a large selection of products free of animalderived ingredients. With more consumers seeking such products every day, Colgate is committed to making it easier for consumers to identify and select these products. Upon request, we provide a list that includes the Colgate products sold in the U.S. that currently are free of animal-derived ingredients, and appropriate for consumers seeking to avoid products containing animal ingredients. The Product Guide for Vegetarians is updated periodically to reflect any changes to ingredients in Colgate’s products. Quelle
Concern for Animal Welfare
Colgate’s goal is to meet safety requirements whenever possible through the use of existing data or tests that don’t put humans or animals at risk. Today at Colgate, animal testing is limited and conducted only after all other options have been exhausted. More than 98% of all internal requests for product safety substantiation are met using non-animal alternatives and available databases. In 1999, Colgate declared a voluntary moratorium on all animal testing of Personal Care Products designed for adults. For other product categories, there are conditions and regulations in some countries which require that animal testing be conducted to establish that a product is safe and to determine labeling instructions as a condition of sale. Additionally, there are circumstances where safety demonstrations are necessary and no scientifically recognized alternative to animal testing exists. Except for our pet nutrition testing (Hill’s Tierfutter, Anmerkung von mir), all required animal testing is conducted at outside laboratories under Colgate supervision using a minimum number of animals. Since 1982, Colgate has undertaken a broad program dedicated to advancing scientifically acceptable and properly validated alternatives. This is designed to eliminate the need to carry out any research with animals. Colgate is working with other companies, governments and associations that share the same goal of completely eliminating animal testing. As part of Colgate’s commitment to this goal, the Company also brings scientifically valid alternatives to the attention of government regulators to urge their acceptance. Quelle
Deshalb ist Colgate-Palmolive mit seinen Marken bei mir als nicht tierversuchsfrei gelabelt.
Zahnpasta-Alternativen und Listen von veganer und tierversuchsfreier Kosmetik findet ihr zum Beispiel hier: Vegane Kosmetik

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